Early Childhood Care and Development


Early Childhood Care and Development

ECCD Center

What is ECCD?

Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) represents a holistic approach to ensuring that young children have the necessary support to thrive, learn and develop in a healthy way. This involves providing for the basic necessities of nutrition, protection and health care, while also regularly engaging and interacting with children and securing a safe learning environment.

ECCD combines elements from a number of different fields including Early Childhood Education, Health and Nutrition, Community Development, Women’s Development, Economics and several others. In practice, ECCD activities can include working with parents, siblings and other family members, identifying the specific needs of younger children, providing day care options, developing early childhood education programs, and developing community support networks for families.

Yinthway’s ECCD Related Programs

  • Capacity building of Early Childhood trainers through training, mentoring, and job experience
  • Member of the Myanmar Early Childhood Technical Working Group

Responsibilities include:

  • Designing quality indicators for early childhood centers in Myanmar, to be used nationally
  • Reviewing and Revising all early childhood training designs, such as preschool teacher training, teacher refresher training, management committee training, parent education training, early childhood awareness training and training for toy making workshops, which can be used nationally
  • Participant in the EFA ECCD Global Monitoring Group for Myanmar
  • Supporting technically and providing a sales outlet for cottage industries producing early childhood play/learning material
  • Piloting a mother’s circle format for caring for children under 3 years old in rural communities
  • Supporting monitoring of early childhood initiatives in communities
  • Data collection of ECCD activities in communities supported by Yinthway Foundation
  • Donation of children’s books to disadvantaged communities and orphanages
  • Advising technically the private sector, non- educational sectors (i.e. Health, Agriculture) and community-based programs on early childhood development
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Early Childhood Care and Development