Early Childhood Care and Development

Baby Massage

Saturday, August 8th, 2009

Educational book on giving your baby a gentle massage. This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.

Bath Time

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.


Friday, July 3rd, 2009

A child with a disability who is loved by her whole community. Brought to you by UNICEF.

The Healthy Wa-Lone

Monday, May 11th, 2009

The Healthy Wa-Lone is a children’s book with two purposes: 1. As an enjoyable book for a young child, and 2. as parent education to teach and promote the holistic and healthy development of a young child.

This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.

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Early Childhood Care and Development