Early Childhood Care and Development

All posts tagged « book »


Monday, August 31st, 2009

Father and daughter. This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.


Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

A very cute story regarding a hearing impediment. This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.

Bath Time

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

This is one in a series of books brought to you by UNICEF. These books are used all over Myanmar as a part of parent education using the training design developed by Yinthway.

The Day the Cyclone Nargis Came

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009


Process for Developing the Book

One of the Yinthway Foundation staff made her first trip to the Delta Area affected by Cyclone Nargis two weeks after the cyclone hit. She visited communities, taking pictures, collecting information on the situation in the villages, and listening to the experiences of both the adults and the children. Everyone seemed to need to tell their experiences, so listening to them was an important part of her trip.

Following that initial trip, this staff member made three more trips. On subsequent trips, besides listening to their experiences and the difficulties of their present situation, she focused more on the children – observing them, doing activities with them, generally paying attention to them and giving them her time. This staff member is the focal person for Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) at Yinthway Foundation. She has had more than eleven years of experience in Myanmar in the field of ECCD, first as an ECCD preschool teaching principal and then as a trainer of trainers, teachers, community leaders, and parents, for both community and faith-based ECCD projects.

In the meantime, Yinthway Foundation was loaned the book, The Day the Tsunami Came, by Hijltje Vink. After reading that book, Yinthway Foundation agreed to the request, from World Concern – Myanmar, to develop a similar children’s book for Myanmar. The ECCD staff member then wrote the book, based on seven or eight children’s actual experiences of the cyclone in the Ayerwaddy Delta.


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Early Childhood Care and Development