Early Childhood Care and Development

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Disaster Recovery

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

The devastation left by Cyclone Nargis in May of last year had lasting effects on the people in the affected regions – not least of which, the children. Many children became displaced from their homes or villages or lost family members.

Besides helping to provide immediate relief during the early aftermath of the disaster, Yinthway has also been involved in providing information and training materials to parents and teachers to help children process the traumatic experiences during and after Cyclone Nargis


Recent Training Highlights

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Trainings are held all over Myanmar. They can be large, such as our Annual Conference which has over 100 participants, or small workshops such as our toy-making workshops for local communities.

Toy Making Workshops

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

Toy Making Workshop 026Yinthway Foundation provides training workshops all over Myanmar for parents and teachers of young children. We have seven different types of trainings including a toy-making workshop. Our ECCD trainings focus on including the community in the development of their children, and toy-making workshops are a great way to get people involved.

The toy making workshop lasts 3 days and is intended for parents, members of the community and preschool teachers to learn how to make appropriate play/learning materials for their pre-schools. The workshops highlight using materials that are available to the area they are in.


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Early Childhood Care and Development